Group Publications

• Burrow J., Yahiaoui R., Searles, T., Sarangan, A., Agha, I. Tunable intrinsic chiral nanomaterials. (2021). Submitted to Advanced Materials.

• Castandeda, E. N., Alarcon, R. R., Vazquez, J. C. G., Agha, I., Zhan, Q., Plick, W. (2021). Ince-Gauss photons in turbulent atmosphere: Effect of quantum numbers on beam resilience. Submitted to Optics Express.

• Sevison, G. A., Burrow, J., Guo H., Sarangan, A., Hendrickson, J., Agha, I., (2021). Wavelength and Power Dependence on Multilevel Behavior of Phase Change Materials. Submitted to Journal of Applied Physics

• Thompson, J. R., Burrow, J., Shah, P., Slagle, J., Harper, E., Van Rynbach, A., Agha, I., Mills, M. S. (2020). Artificial neural network discovery of a switchable metasurface reflector. Optics Express 28, 24629-24656

• Kyaw, C., Yahiaoui, R.,Burrow, J.,Tran, V., Keelen, K., Sims, W., Red, E.C., Rockward, W. S., Thomas, M. A., Sarangan, A., Agha, A., Searles, T. A. (2020). Polarization-selective modulation of supercavity resonances originating from bound states in the continuum. Communication Physics 3, 1-82

• Sevison, G. A., Farzinazar, S., Burrow, J. A., Perez, C., Kwon, H., Lee, J., Asheghi, M., Goodson, K. E., Sarangan, A., Hendrickson, J., Agha, I. (2020). Phase change dynamics and 2- dimensional 4-bit memory in ge2sb2te5 via telecom-band encoding, ACS Photonics 7, 480-487.

• Guo, P., Burrow, J., Sevison, G. A., Kwon, H., Perez, C., Hendrickson, J.,Smith, E., Asheghi, M., Goodson, K. E., Agha, I., Sarangan, A. (2020). Tungsten-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change material for high-speed optical switching devices. Applied Physics Letters, APL19-AR-11099R.

• Guo, P., Sarangan, A., Agha, I. (2019). Chalcodenide phase change materials in non-volatile memories and light modulators. MDPI Applied Sciences 9, 530

• Guo, P., Burrow, J., Sevison, G. A., Sood, A., Ashegi, M., Hendrickson, J., Goodson, K. E., Agha, I., Sarangan, A. (2018). Improving the performance of Ge2Sb2Te5 materials via nickel doping: Towards RF-compatible phase-change device. Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 171903.

• Yahiaoui, R., Burrow, J., Mekonen, S., Sarangan, A., Mathews, J., Agha, I., and Searles, T. (2018). Electromagnetically induced transparency control in terahertz metasurfaces based on bright-bright mode couplingb Physical Review B 97, 155403

• Burrow J., Yahiaoui, R., Sarangan, A., Agha, I., Mathews, J., Searles, T. (2017). Polarization-dependent electromagnetic responses of ultrathin and highly flexible asymmetric terahertz metasurfaces. Optics Express 25 32540-32549.

• Gao, Z., Hussain, M., D. de Ceglia, D, Vincenti, M. A., Sarangan, A. Agha, I.. Scalora, M. Haus, J., Banerjee, P. (2017). Unraveling delocalized electrons in metal induced gap states from second harmonics. Applied Physics Letters 111, 161601.

• Zhao,Y., Lombardo D. , Mathews J. and Agha I. (2017) . All-optical switching via four-wave mixing Bragg scattering in a silicon platform. APL Photonics 2(2).

• Pedrotti L. and Agha I. (2016). Theoretical investigation of quantum waveform shaping for single photon emitters. Opt. Express 24, 16687-16694.

• Wang, J., Zhao, Y., Agha, I., Sarangan, A. (2015). U-8 nanoimprint fabrication of wire-grid polarizers using deep-UV interference lithography. Optics Letters, 40(19), 4396-4399.

• Agha, I. Ates S., Sapienza L., Srinivasan K. (2014). Spectral broadening and shaping of nanosecond pulses: Towards the shaping of single photons from narrowband quantum emitters. Optics Letters 39 (19), 5677-5680.